To obtain an Alberta land title you must know the Land ID for the property you want to search. Land IDs can be the Title Number, the Land Identification Number Code (LINC Number) or the Short Legal description. Generally, a title cannot be searched by municipal address as an address shown on title may not be the physical address of the property but rather the owner’s mailing address for service only. Land IDs and legal land descriptions can be found on Tax Assessments or previous documentation dealing with the purchase of a property. If you do not have these documents, try contacting the municipality in which the property is located for their policy on providing a legal description and any associated costs. If you are looking for a property in Lethbridge, this information may be available here: Property Information WebMAP.
Types of Searches:
- Cancelled Title:
Confirms the date of transfer of ownership, which may be required for various purposes. - Current Title:
Provides the current status of the title, including registered owners and any caveats against the property. - Historical Search:
Allows you to trace the history of a specific title back to a specified date or as far back as records exist. - Mineral Rights:
Provides the current status of the mineral rights associated with the property.
Click here to purchase an Alberta Land Title Search
Fee: $20.00 per search (incl GST)
Note: Senior discounts apply to in-person services only.